The curriculum at Moorgate has been designed to ensure our children are fully equipped for the next stages in their education and also for life! Our school building and environment also supports this vision and has been designed specifically to ensure that our vision can become a reality. Our facilities include: A brand new school building equipped with all mod cons!! including:– a brand new library facility, a nurture room, forest schools area, extensive grounds and playgrounds and well-equipped classrooms. Additionally, the school promotes and actively takes part in a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports, music and the arts, home learning and much, much more! Finally, as part of our vision for the curriculum, we place a high value on enrichment, ensuring our children see their curriculum brought to life!
Curriculum Intent Statement
The curriculum at Moorgate Primary Academy is designed for the children. It covers the National Curriculum and reflects both the locality and the challenges faced by young people in 21st Century Great Britain. Potential barriers to their ongoing success could include:
- Shortage of valuable life experiences
- Low expectations and aspirations
- A lack of positive role models
- Financial deprivation
- Poor attendance
- Low self-esteem and self-concept
- Vocabulary and poor communication skills
- English as an Additional Language
- Limited parenting skills and parental support
It is paramount that the curriculum directly addresses these barriers. Children will approach their educational career, including that beyond Moorgate Primary Academy, with the belief that their lives are not starved of opportunity, but brimming with possibility. This is encapsulated within the school’s vision statement – Achieve, Challenge, Enjoy! This vision statement also forms the structure for the Academy’s curriculum intent:
- All children, regardless of their starting point, access an age-related curriculum
- A broad curriculum allows all children to find areas of interest and expertise where successes and accomplishments are celebrated
- Children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to understand how they can manage their wellbeing
- Children are academically successful, equipped with the core skills and knowledge that will allow them to thrive in secondary school and beyond.
- Children have a strong self-concept, allowing them to approach new experiences with confidence
- Children welcome challenges and are prepared to work outside of their comfort zone
- There is a culture of expectation in terms of attendance, effort, behaviour from all stakeholders
- Preconceptions of themselves and others are challenged and debated
- There is a Growth Mindset where attitude, effort, continuous improvement and self-motivation form the cornerstone of effective learning and success
- Children solve problems and reason, applying their knowledge and skills to a range of contexts and situations
- Jumping Off Points that provide context and stimulate interest in the learning
- A balanced diet of written, practical and experiential learning activities
- Enriching and immersive experiences
- Exposure to jobs and careers linked directly to subject specific learning
- Celebrate and learn about the locality and the world beyond
- Sharing and celebrating successes and learning with friends, family and the wider community
- Children enjoy their learning, establish strong and appropriate relationships with their peers and have positive views of themselves and others.
The curriculum and assessment
The new primary element of the curriculum can be viewed here: National Curriculum Information. Subjects are taught as individual lessons and each phase group ensure the development and progression of skills and concepts. There are curriculum leaders for all subjects who act as advisors to the staff in general. All teachers keep weekly records of class and individual work and the plans are overseen by the Deputy Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team.
During the year in which the children reach their seventh birthday (Year 2) they take the National Curriculum Tests. This marks the end of Key Stage 1. The results of these tests are given to parents individually, together with their school report.
During the year in which the children reach their eleventh birthday (Year 6) they take the National Curriculum Tests again. This marks the end of Key Stage 2. The results of these tests are given to parents individually, together with their school report. Parents will also be given the National Results.
An overview of the curriculum each phase group covers is available by following the links of the menu bar. If you would like further information about Moorgate Primary Academy’s curriculum, please contact Mrs. Vicki Eaglefield (Head of School).