Home learning at Moorgate follows the principles set out in our Homework Policy. Our strategy for Home Learning was most recently updated in September 2023 following a consultation with all stakeholders.
The purpose of homework at Moorgate is to:
- Develop an effective partnership between learning at school and home
- Provide opportunities for children and families to work together on pupils learning
- Consolidate & reinforce taught skills, particularly in English and Maths
- Develop pupils confidence, resilience and independence needed for self-study
- Develop routine and create good habits for pupils to become lifelong learners
- Reading homework –Reading at home is a primary focus of Moorgate’s homework. Children will be sent home weekly with a book that is appropriate for their reading level. Depending on the child’s year group will depend on when and how often they should be heard read by an adult at home, any reading at home should be for short periods.
Mums, Dads and Carers are asked to sign their child’s reading diary to say what their child has read and understood. In class, staff members will check children’s diaries and change their reading books regularly. If a child appears not to be reading at home, reminders will be sent and children will be heard read at school. In reception, children will also be sent home with tricky word flash cards to read and practice. Children can access additional reading books at home by using their class log in on Oxford Owl.
In addition, children have an online subscription to Oxford Reading Buddy if they are on a book band beyond purple to access a wider range of age appropriate books. When children have read a book on Reading Buddy children are expected to take a quiz to show their understanding of the text.
- English homework –English homework will focus on the practicing of weekly spellings that link directly with the phonic or spelling rule recently taught in class to reinforce and practise at home. The number of spellings children are given each week will depend on their year group and will be no more than 10 words. Children will be encouraged to practise the spellings by ‘Look, cover, write, check’ method to give opportunities to practice handwriting and letter joins at the same time. In school, children will take part in retrieval games to practise spellings; there will not be a formal spelling test. Additionally, staff can set 2do’s on Purple Mash for spelling.
- Maths Homework –Maths homework will vary depending on the year group children are in. Additional information about this is below. For the majority of children there will be a heavy focus on fluency within number, including multiplication tables and arithmetic skills focusing on the four operations, (+, -, x and /) which will focus on current learning or an opportunity to revisit and recall previously taught content. Children in years 3 & 4 will focus on instant recall of their multiplication times tables.
Again, to support with this, school has subscribed to TT Rock Stars.
Wider opportunities:
We recognise that families may also want to take part in wider projects that reflect pupil’s talents in other subjects such as a science, art or history. Each half term, class teachers will share project ideas in the form of a year group newsletter that reflect the topics currently being taught in school. You can find these in the Newsletter section of our website. Children are welcome to bring their completed projects into school to be celebrated in class.
In addition, children are challenged to complete ’50 things to achieve before you leave Moorgate’. Challenges can be completed both at home and school for example ‘Plan and cook a meal’ or ‘Sleep in a tent’. Families are encouraged to email or bring in examples of their children’s successes into school to be ticked off and celebrated. For more information, click here!
Children will also have home access to Purple Mash to practise and consolidate their computing skills across the curriculum.
Year group |
Amount of time |
Homework |
Reception |
30 minutes a week |
- Children will have homework books. Each week children will have a
piece of Phonics and Maths homework.
- The use of a book will support children with their fine motor skills to
improve letter and number formation.
- Decodable reading books sent home on a Friday and returned on a
- Tricky word flash cards to practice sight read at home
Year 1 & 2 |
45 minutes a week |
- Decodable reading books sent home on a Friday and returned on a Monday.
- If your child is reading a book on a book band beyond purple they will be given an Oxford Reading Buddy.
- Up to 6 spellings a week focusing on the sounds taught that week
- Maths fluency worksheet
Year 3 & 4 |
50 minutes a week |
- Your child will be told the reading that they are to read at home on Oxford Reading Buddy. They will be asked to complete reading quiz based on the book that they have read.
- Up to 8 spellings a week focusing on the spelling rules taught that week
- TTRock Stars online focusing on multiplications times tables & fluency worksheet to reinforce learning
Year 5 & 6 |
1 hour a week |
- Children are to read an additional book to the text they are reading at in school at least 3 times a week. They will access their reading on
Oxford Reading Buddy. They will be asked to complete reading quiz based on the book that they have read.
• Up to 10 spellings a week focusing on the spelling rules taught that week • Maths fluency worksheet
• Additional SATs focus activities from the Spring Term