You are not alone!  Supporting a child struggling with their emotions can be challenging and isolating.  Family life has its ups and downs.

Confidential helpline

Call our free and confidential helpline for support

Family Lives offers a confidential and free* helpline service for families in England and Wales (previously known as Parentline). Please call us on 0808 800 2222 for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. Our helpline service is open 9am – 9pm, Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm Saturday and Sunday.

Families and Wellbeing Service 0-19 – health visitors and school nurses

East Hub (covering East Staffordshire, Rugeley, Tamworth, Lichfield and Cannock)

0300 303 3924

Referrals accepted by parents and professionals


Family caring trust: From pram to primary (0-10 years)

2 hour sessions over 8 weeks

Suitable for parents who are struggling with a child’s behaviour; mealtimes/ bedtimes/ lack understanding of how to talk and listen to their child, set fair, consistent boundaries, consequences and rewards. The course focuses on children’s behaviour aged between 2 and 10 years primarily. Many opportunities to support parenting and develop adults confidence as parents.

Click here for more information.

Family support for young people and their parents/carers. Offering practical support and advice along with a therapeutic approach to support adults and young people through difficulties. We can work with families at home, at school or at a neutral venue.

Referrals can be made via Mrs Shaw in school



 ‘Toolbox’ is an open access, self-empowering, emotional wellbeing signposting service.

It involves a 60 minute Toolbox appointment with a SSNMH Toolbox worker and a follow up evaluation at 3 weeks and 3 months.

It is to help adults to become more aware of their emotional wellbeing, identify their own support network throughout the 4 identifiable stages of mental health experiences, wellness, illness, distress and crisis and be signposted to emotional wellbeing tools and services that may be helpful for them.

Individuals may self-refer to a toolbox appointment or be referred through services and community groups.

Ask Mrs Shaw for more information

January Update:

I thought it may be useful to share some information regarding support that may be available to you.  We understand that at certain times and for a variety of reasons family life can be hard.  We don’t always know where we can turn for some support, either for ourselves or our children.  We want our families to be supported early on and school can sometimes be the only place to turn to, even for ourselves.

Interventions in school:

  • One to one
  • Nurture forest school
  • Relax Kids sessions for all pupils
  • Workshops: anger, anxiety, confidence, resilience, understanding emotions, bereavement
  • Groups including nurture, confidence, anger, understanding emotions, Lego Therapy, Draw and talk

Over the next term, Moorgate will be working closely with our new Mental Health Team from Midlands Partnerships. We continue to work closely with the Hope Project and can refer families for peer support from other parents that are experiencing the same things.

School can also signpost and refer to other external agencies for example Young carers and the Early Help Team.


Other useful numbers & websites

These have websites and can be followed on Facebook and Twitter:

MindEd for families and Youngminds

Parent helpline 0808 802 5544

Staffs Mental Health Helpline

0808 800 2234

Text 07860 022821 (Free)


Helpline 116 123 (24hrs)

Combined Wellbeing

Topics include Anger, Anxiety, Body Image, bullying and family relationships

Camhs Resources

Helpful resources to support MH and wellbeing for young people and carers

Books, websites, apps, downloads, videos

Winston Wish

Support for grieving children


Good go to website for mental health and topics including Pants Talk and digital safety

Young Mind 

Parent help line 0808 802 5544 for advice, signposting and emotional support

Place 2 be

Anna Freud

Action for Children

Staffordshire Connects 

School can also refer and signpost pupils/families to bereavement services, young carers and other local statutory and voluntary services.


We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.