Pupil Premium Strategy
The school’s strategy in respect of the pupil premium for the current academic year focusses clearly upon two co-dependent approaches. These reflect the recommended practice in the NFER document Supporting the Attainment of Disadvantaged Pupils, Success & Good Practice and the needs of the children within this setting. They are:
- Structure: Pupil premium families require the social and emotional support to ensure that the children attend school frequently. This supports a positive approach to both the school, education and ensures that children enter the classroom exhibiting effective behaviour for learning.
- Interaction: Children are exposed to a collaborative and cooperative pedagogy where they learn through experience, self-reflection and from their peers thus building learning resilience. They shall receive focussed and proportionate high quality teaching from all adults in the classroom.
The pupil premium allocation for the current academic year is £139,980.
The way in which this money is spent on our learners reflects those barriers to educational achievement faced by children at Moorgate Primary Academy in the 21st Century. These are:
- Ensuring the most disadvantaged children receive quality support in lessons so that they achieve their very best
- Ensuring that a well trained workforce deliver high quality intervention programmes to ensure children make accelerated progress
- Providing enrichment activities and cultural capital opportunities which the children might not otherwise get
- Ensuring the attendance of these groups is above national average (97%+)
The pupil premium allocation is used to address the barriers identified above. The way in which this is spent and how the impact and effect of its expenditure is measured, is detailed below. This is reviewed on a termly basis with the designated Local Academy Council member for Pupil Premium who will consequently present the findings to the full Local Academy Council.
Pupil Premium Statement - 2024-2025
Priority Area for development for disadvantaged children |
What are we spending the money on? Why are we spending the money on this? |
Which barrier/s does the strategy refer to? |
How/When will the impact be measured?
To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils in our school, particularly our disadvantaged. |
-This budget will pay for the salary of the Early Help Leader who has the responsibility for supporting pupils mental health and wellbeing. There is an additional line within the budget to commission external agencies who provide specialist support. |
1, 2, 3, 4
Looking at patterns of attendance and progress of Pupil Premium Children.
Ensuring the most disadvantaged children receive quality support in lessons to ensure children make improved progress impacting on attainment. |
-Additional TA provision to ensure consistency and support.
-Adding to the Early Help Team to ensure children are receiving quality emotional support.
-Ensure that LSAs deliver quality interventions to ensure quality of both provision and progress. |
1, 2, 3, 4 |
Looking at patterns of attendance and progress of Pupil Premium Children. |
Improved reading attainment for all pupils, including those that are disadvantaged.
– Continual development of the English and Topic Curriculum to have a priority focus on language and vocabulary.
– Consistent use of a phonics scheme within Early Years and Year 1 with pupils ready to move spelling in Year 2.
– Staff to receive high-quality CPD on closing the vocabulary gap through our in house Collaborative Development Programme.
-Implement & embed a range of diagnostic activities for identifying speech and language needs for pupils in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. |
1, 2, 3 |
Looking at patterns of progress of Pupil Premium Children.
Improved attendance of pupils with persistent absence reducing in the less lost learning. |
-This budget will pay for the salary of the Early Help Leader who has the responsibility for supporting pupils attendance. Additional line for commissioned external support.
-Residential/Trip/Extended School Opportunities providing enrichment activities which the children might not otherwise get. |
3, 4
Looking at patterns of attendance and progress of Pupil Premium Children. |
Pupil Premium Statement - 2023-2024
Pupil Premium Statement - 2022/2023
Pupil Premium Statement - 2021/2022
Pupil Premium Statement - 2020/2021
Pupil Premium Statement - 2019/2020